Sydney NSW, Australia
134 King Street Sydney New South Wales 2000 AU

Gordon Powers can help! Our level 2 Sydney electricians are completely qualified to tackle any job that you have. We can attend your site, whether it is an office, business, house or apartment, we’ll fix your electrical problems swiftly. Our 24/7 emergency electricians can attend it at all hours of the day. Rain, hail, shine, day or night, you can bet that we’ll arrive there and be there on time.

We provide a whole range of other services including main switchboard replacement, power surge protector, phone line connection, security light and camera, ceiling fan and smoke alarm. Gordon Powers are always here to supply you with power in any situation. We understand that electricity is a big part of our daily lives and that any downtime simply means that you will lose out on revenue or productivity.

Please do not hesitate to call us at 9199 7480, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our friendly and attentive staffs are always happy to speak to you!

So the next time you find yourself with a power outage in the middle of the night, you know who to call. Gordon Powers!

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